Become A Member
We’re inviting you to to become a member free of charge for 12 months.
In March 2025 we will introduce our membership tiers for students, professionals and corporate.
Bi-monthly newsletter
A round up of tasty morsels curated especially for you and delivered straight to your inbox will include…
- Links to inspirational food & drink related articles
- New product news
- Information on food & drink related events around the country that you won’t want to miss.
- Members Spotlight – Q&A
- Opportunities to showcase your brand in this newsletter
Online member directory
Putting you in touch with professional and influential women in food & drink across Aotearoa. Members have the option to set up a personal profile in our Member Directory. To access the WIFDNZ membership directory you must be a member.
Early access to ticketed events
WIFD Talks
Coming soon a series of WIFDNZ webinars ‘WIFD Talks’.
Join us for classes – that will sharpen your skills in a host of areas from brand development to building community, wrangling media to time management, promoting progressive work cultures to mental health development.
Members will have access to a video library of these talks
Collaborative Events
Members and supporting partners are invited to submit a detailed proposal for consideration. WIFDNZ event collaborations are strategic, mutually beneficial relationships where the synergy elevates greater outcomes for women in food & drink.